Saturday, May 9, 2015

National Pet Month

Good Morning! The temperature here really shot up yesterday to 88--- in May. This morning though it is nice and cool and quiet.

I am hearing rumors it is National Pet Month, below you will find our housemates. We consider them as part of the family [I believe they may be a little bit spoiled] and love them immensely. Like people they have their own unique personalities that make them stand out as individuals.

Meet Bubba Dee Licious [Bubba Delicious] Now really drag out that Dee with emphasis. Bubba DEEEEEE Licous! Bubba is a male, he is 17 years old [doesn't he look fabulous?]; he is over the top handsome, loves mashed potatoes, playing with tennis balls, smelling coffee [only if it has creamer in it], loves to be petted yet quite temperamental. He loves baths!!! He is quite social but will fool you as while you pet him-- the way he lets you know that he does not want to be pet anymore is maybe a hiss or nip or two. He has an identity crisis- he growls like a dog. Yes growls. He's the only guy in the house so I believe he is quite territorial and he is not willing to share his resting spots and he MUST be the first to the dinner bowl. Bubba is very healthy for his age, he does have some belly issues that have him on a prescription medicine and food. We have known Bubba since he was 2 years old, his given name was Baby Doe, his first owner found herself in a circumstance that she could no longer care for him and we took him on from there- he has been with us 7 years now.

Now, to your right- is Your Royal Highness Lilah- Jayne. Yes she thinks she is the queen, not just a queen, THE queen. She is female and 11 years old. She LOVES attention and will do anything to get it. My daughter spoiled her the moment I brought her through the door, so she thinks she is the one and only living being in the house. My daughter used to make her princess beds--- not kidding. Lilah loves chasing and leaping on her own tail and then crying out because she hurt herself [did I mention she is light in the brain area? LOL], she loves extra hot chicken wings, cool ranch Doritos and loves to eat tissues, toilet paper and writing paper. Yes, yes she does.Though Lilah loves to be petted and have lots of attention, she is not very social to visitors and will hide out when company is here. She is the junk food junkie and will hunt down a potato chip crumb anywhere! Lilah came to us when she was 2 years old. When I first adopted her she was having seizures maybe 2-3 times a month and the vet could not find out the causes-- strangely enough we moved 6 years ago and she stopped having seizures. Maybe it was something in the last flat? Anyway, she is healthy and strong and quite the mischievous brat!

We enjoy our kitties immensely and love them with all our hearts. They love to taunt and torment each other and I could not find one picture of them together. Yet, when Bubba was in the hospital for his belly issues Lilah was pacing all night. I think deep down they like each other.

Have a wonderful day! Thanks for stopping by! Getting ready to enjoy this beautiful day! 

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